Horse & Pony News is published on the first Friday of each month.
PAYMENT: All ads are to
be paid for in advance, ad copy and payment must arrive in our office prior to
the deadline of the issue the ad will run in. Returned checks: an additional fee
of $20.00 will be charged for any returned checks. Credit Cards: Horse & Pony
News accepts either VISA or MASTERCARD. Bank or debit cards issued through
MasterCard or Visa are accepted also. The following information is required for
all Credit Card payments: Name, address, credit card number, security code and
expiration date. When paying with a credit card, because of the high security
risk, please do not e-mail or fax your credit card information. However, you may
call in your information or go to our secure website to place an ad or purchase
a subscription using your credit card. Phone: 813-999-4991 or go to our web
All shows will receive our best ad rate. Reduced rates on display ads are
available for multiple runs with contract. If you do not run your ad for the
full number of times you originally contracted for, you will be billed at the
rate that correlates to the number of times your ad actually ran. Call for
details on show ad rates and multiple runs.
PHOTOS: It is the
responsibility of the person submitting professional photos or copyrighted
material whether for ads or articles to obtain permission and/or a written
release from the photographer/owner. Horse & Pony News will not be responsible
for obtaining releases and is not responsible for printing any unauthorized
material. When possible, please submit your photos via e-mail. Each photo should
be sent as a separate tif or jpeg attachment scanned at 200 dpi or above.
submit printed photos and want them returned, please include a self addressed
stamped envelope large enough to accommodate your photos. Include your name and
address on the back of each photo you submit. Please do not send irreplaceable
prints due to the chance of loss or damage in the mail or in transit from our
All ads must be pre-paid by either check, money order or credit card.
by check, money order or to use a credit card go through our secure web site: or call us with the information at 813-999-4991.
DEADLINES: Please be
sure ALL MATERIAL including ad copy for display and classified ads, any
changes to ads currently running, articles, calendar notices and all photos are
in our office on Friday, two weeks prior to the publication you wish your
material to appear in. Please submit time sensitive ads or articles at lease one
month before your event.
Horse & Pony News accepts ads sent via e-mail (electronic) or on a CD.
Although Horse & Pony uses a PC operated platform, we can normally open Mac
generated files. The following file formats may be submitted: TIF; JPEG; PDF.
Please be sure all jpeg files are 200 dpi or above, otherwise they will not
reproduce as a sharp image. Horse & Pony will not be able to work with files in
any other format. If you are running color, ads saved in a TIF format will
reproduce better. Horse & Pony does not use Publisher or QUARK. If ads are
generated in Quark, the file format must be changed to TIF. We cannot open Quark
or even PDF formatted ads that were originally generated in Quark. Because of
the many variables involved with digitally generated ads, Horse & Pony cannot
guarantee the quality of ads submitted, especially sent via e-mail. Horse & Pony
will set up your ad to our specifications- at no additional charge.
If you are running an ad, please supply us with a fax number or e-mail address
to receive a proof of your ad. Horse & Pony proofs all material that will appear
in our publication, but is not responsible for errors. Please check your final
proof carefully, sign the proof sheet and return it immediately with any
corrections marked, as soon as you receive it. The advertiser is responsible
for any errors, Horse & Pony News will make every effort to make corrections
brought to our attention.
Articles, photos and/or advertising which appears in Horse & Pony does not
necessarily reflect the position or opinions of Horse & Pony News, it's staff or
it's officers. Nor does publication of any material represent an endorsement of
products or views expressed. Accuracy of all editorial is the sole
responsibility of the author.